HOME: #95 The Grovenburg Family

Samantha Grovenburg and her two daughters – Yukiko, age 3 and Esmeralda, age 1 – are partnering with Habitat to build a home in Hibbing.  Welcome to the Habitat Family!

Samantha looks forward to having a kitchen where she and her girls can eat dinner together, a yard for her girls to safely play in and a home where she can put down roots in the Hibbing community.  Sam has enjoyed working with volunteers and her family on the building she will soon call home.  When Sam asked her girls what HOME means to them, they list everyone in their family.  Well, Esme sang every name in her family!  It’s clear that HOME is wherever they are all together.  Knowing that they will be in their home soon, makes us all happy!

Photos:  Family, Foundation Work, Ground Breaking Ceremony, House as of