Building History

HOME: #31: The Ritz Family

Location: Hibbing

Date Started: June 9, 2008

Date Complete: November 25, 2008

“It’s truly amazing to watch trees in a forest turn into lumber for my home.  Our house is built with wood that is SFI certified and trees have been planted to replace the ones we cut . We actually saw the trees in the forest being cut down and then we toured a lumberyard where we saw the wood being turned into trim pieces. I have been blessed to have this opportunity to partner with Habitat for Humanity and make my dream of homeownership a reality.  It was really awesome to find out that I was selected to be a partner with Habitat. We were excited and couldn’t wait to start building our home. In a few weeks we will be moving into our new house and are overwhelmed with excitement.  All of the volunteers that have helped with their time to build, sheetrock, paint, lay flooring, etc. are great!  I cannot believe how generous people are and how willing they are to take a day and help build.  Each and every person who is involved with Habitat is a remarkable human being.  I feel truly blessed to know all of these great people and to work with Habitat for Humanity.” -Kelli Ritz

Kelli and Clarissa at their home Dedication Sunday, October 5th.