Building History

HOME: #48: The Richards Family

Location: Virginia

Date Started: July 29, 2012

Date Complete: November 20, 2012

THRIVENT BUILDS The Richards home is being built in partnership with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans who supply 55% of the funds for the projects along with commitment from local Lutheran congregations for an additional 10% of the funds needed. Local Lutherans and Thrivent members commit to providing 50% of the volunteer labor. But you don’t have to be Lutheran or a Thrivent member to volunteer on this home. Volunteers of all faiths are welcomed and needed on site. To learn more about how to get involved with this project, call our offices at 218.749.8910 or toll free at 866.749.8910. Dates on Schedule Monday, August 6th Tuesday, August 7th Wednesday, August 7th Thursday, August 8th Friday, August 9th Monday, August 13th Tuesday, August 14th Wednesday, August 15th Thursday, August 16th Friday, August 17th All days 8am to 4pm