Thank you to all who supported Building the Future with Habitat, our 19th annual dinner and fundraising event, on February 29! Our staff, board, sponsors, partner families, and guests enjoyed gathering together for an evening of food, entertainment, prizes, and learning about how Habitat makes an impact in local communities. The meal by chef Phyllis Rayton, music by Bill Maxwell and James Paavala, dessert by Village Inn, and numerous prize baskets added to the enthusiasm we felt throughout the room.
This year’s dinner theme was “Keys for Hope.” The highlight of the event, as always, was the speech by Habitat homeowner Ruth White of Hibbing. She spoke about how the home she built and purchased brought her stability, the freedom to express herself, and a space to share with pets, friends, and family.
Ruth said, “Habitat helped me restore my faith in trusting people with no strings attached. This home means freedom, independence, and a hopeful future. It is a safe haven for children and animals. This home is a way for me to shine God’s light into the lives of others.”
Building the Future with Habitat was successful once again because of community support and participation. We raised over $26,000 to support our upcoming building season! Check our website and social media accounts this winter for details about next year’s dinner. Have a blessed spring!

“Habitat helped me restore my faith in trusting people with no strings attached. This home means freedom, independence, and a hopeful future.”
Ruth White, Hibbing homeowner
Community Builders ($1,000)
B2 Bank
Iron Range Plumbing & Heating
Short Stop Convenience Stores
Yoder Building Supplies
Home Builders ($500)
Bougalis & Sons
NorthRidge Community Credit Union
Vermilion Energy Advisors
Virginia Coop Credit Union
Hope Builders ($250)
AmpedUp Electric
Steve & Barb Burgess
Ryan & Allison Harasy
Hometown Focus
Jack & Don’s
Knuti Farm
Tom & Emma Keeler
Mac Drywall & Mudding
North Star Credit Union
Northern Communities Credit Union
Up North Title
Silent auction, raffle, lucky buck donors
Andrew’s Cameras, Aronson Boat Works, Blue Loon Boutique, Brandenburg Gallery, Lisa Buria, Linda Burgess, Steve and Barb Burgess, Canelake’s Candies, Critter Sitter, Austin Dane, East Range Developmental Achievement Center, Elevate Skin and Laser, Essentia Health-Virginia Gift Shop, Freebs Fitness and Tanning, Gloria Gagnon, Doug Gettle, Gracie’s Plant Works, Hibbing Gift Nook at Fairview Range, Immanuel Lutheran Church (Tower), International Wolf Center, Irma’s Finland House, Jersey’s Salon, Doug and Nancy Killian, Knuti Farm, Warren and Kathy Kregness, L&M Fleet Supply, Nathan LeBeque, Shari Majkich, Galen and Sharon Maki, Marnie Maki, Mike’s Pub, Minnesota Discovery Center, Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Twins, Minnesota Vikings, Bob and Barb Murray, Nelson Williams Linings, Nordic Home North, North American Bear Center, Ohana Therapeutic Massage, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (Virginia), Palmer’s Tavern, Parts City Auto Parts, Judy Peliska, Mary Peliska, Pike River Products, Piragis Northwoods Company, Portage North, Jeremy Rodorigo, Rooted Circles, Linda Scott, Paula Sedey, Silver Creek Liquor, Claudia Skalko, Starkovich Distributing Co., Sundell Eye Associates, Taconite Tire Service, Wanda Taray, Nathan Thompson, Virginia Rifle & Pistol Club, The Wilderness at Fortune Bay, Z Tech, Zup’s Food Market (Tower)
Dinner committee
Allie Aufderheide, Rosalyn Barker, Steve & Barb Burgess, Jenna Conda, Judy Peliska, Rolf Swanson, Sara Thompson
Chef and Coffee Bar
Phyllis Rayton & friends
Set-up Crew
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Bill Maxwell and James Paavala
Pastor Dan Erickson
Keynote Speaker
Habitat homeowner Ruth White
Village Inn
Serving and Clean-up Crew
Boy Scout Troop 129
Hibbing High School students
Iron Range Youth for Christ
Stacie Steinberg